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Be Part of the Future of Medicine!

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Aloha Dear Students,

As you know, Quantum University is the leader in Quantum Physics-based Integrative Medicine. Dr. Paul Drouin describes courses and program curricula as living entities. To keep pushing the leading-edge forward, Quantum University regularly updates its courses and programs to bring you the latest science and technology and to provide you an outstanding education to give you a unique advantage in the integrative medicine field.

As courses are continually updated, access will be provided to the previous versions of the courses for three (3) months after the update. The closing dates for those previous versions are clearly indicated on the course pages. Once the closing date passes, the previous course version will be archived.

You can learn more about the updates to the course format via FAQs.

If you need help, please contact our Support Team.

Thank you for your patience and support.

Quantum University Staff

Rosangela Arnt - Testimonial Quote

Watch testimonials to see how the education from Quantum University is changing the lives of our students.

Linabelle Finnegan - Student Testimonial Timothy lee - Student Testimonial